My Father, My Guiding Light
Dad, you’re like the sun to me,
a sure thing, always there,
beaming light and warmth on my life.
Whatever is good in me today,
I owe to your wisdom, your patience,
your strength, your love.
You taught me by example,
as a role model,
how to be my own person,
how to believe in myself,
instructing me without controlling me.
Even when we disagreed,
you held us together,
so our bond was never broken.
I understand what you did for me,
and I am so grateful that I have you
as my solid foundation, my rock.
I respect you, I admire you, I love you,
my guiding light, my father.
By Joanna Fuchs
Autumn also improved and gained more confidence going under the water and holding her breath. She needs to work a tiny bit more on her arms and she will be swimming. She can float with her whole face in the water and kick her legs. We are positive with a little more practice at home she will be swimming on her own.
If you love Brownies and Carmel you will love this recipe. Noah and I made them for FHE last night and they were delicious. We highly recommend them!
Chocolate Caramel Brownies