Thursday, August 28, 2008

Lunch in the Park with Autumn

Autumn's Pre-School does fun little field trips and outings once a month. This month it was at King Park. All I needed to do was pack our sandwiches, drinks and a side to share with the rest of the group and meet at the park at 10:45.
All the children had to do was walk around the corner and under the road, through a tunnel, and on the sidewalk that lead to the park. It was so cute to see all the little boys and girls with their backpacks on and water bottles in hand as the walked over to all of the parents standing in a line waiting for our little ones.
Other than the extremely hot day, we had a fun time visiting, getting to know, and playing with Autumn's Pre-School friends and parents. Her teacher Miss Bekky took lots of pictures of the children playing. We can't wait to see them.(I forgot my camera and took a few on my cell phone and they aren't the best)

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