The Smith 2007 Year in Review
This year has gone by really fast. I think having 3 kids has sped up the year. We did lots of fun things, went to lots of cool places, and had a great time enjoying our new home and new town.
Some of the highlights of 2007 were going to Disneyland for 3 days, going to Maui for a week with all 3 girls, Grandma Smith, and Anissa’s sister Tiffany(now that was interesting), camping in Big Basin with Noah’s siblings and there children(hope to do it again), going to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom a few times for special events, visiting grandparents in San Diego for a week and going to Monterey for a few fun filled days.
Ashlyn our oldest is six and is a big first grader. She finished her first official year of school at Marsh Creek Elementary in June. Ashlyn was the yearbook cover contest winner for Kindergarten last year and found out last month she had also won for the first grade level this year. We were very excited and proud of her. Ashlyn took swim lessons this summer and played soccer with an all girl team. She did an awesome job and learned a lot. She is enjoying playing on the bigger playground at school and has learned to make new friends. Ashlyn had her first visit from the Tooth Fairy and since then has been loosing teeth left and right top and bottom. She is a great help being the big sister and loves playing with her little sisters.
Autumn turned three in September. She started a mommy and me class at Black Diamond gymnastics and really loves it. Her favorite activities at gymnastics are hanging from the bars and jumping on the trampoline. She took swim lessons with Ashlyn and did a great job. Now she is much more confident in the water. Autumn gets to go to the park with church friends almost every Friday. She also started going to pre-school every Thursday. We rotate with 5 other mothers and their children. She loves to go places and be with her friends. She asks her mom daily “Where are we going today?” Autumn is very imaginative and loves to pretend. We have all kinds of party’s, weddings, pirate fights, and lots of hair style shop and dress up days.
Aubrey had her First Birthday in November. She has done almost all her firsts that you can accomplish the first year of life. She rolled over and sat up, crawled and walked early. She can say mama, dada, Ash, go, and tries to say Autumn. She enjoys running around with her sisters, kicking the soccer ball around the house, throwing balls, and chasing after them. Aubrey is silly, always full of laughter, and gives us the cheesiest smiles. We love to sit and watch her make us laugh.
Noah is working as the manager of the Walnut creek office of Neil Anderson and Associates, inc. and really enjoys it. His job offered exciting new challenges and some unique opportunities. He has been with the same company for 8 years and qualifies for a sabbatical which is 7 straight weeks of paid vacation. We are excited about this, because he will be taking advantage of his time off this coming year. Noah is still the 1st counselor in the Young Men's Presidency at church and over the 14 & 15 year old boys. In his spare time, which is a little bit since his three girls demand his time as soon as he walks through the front door, he enjoys playing his guitar, reading, and just relaxing at home.
Anissa has been adjusting to having three busy little girls. She is always cleaning and picking up after them. She is also settling into her new home and loves it. Anissa got a new calling at church about 6months ago. She teaches about 15 girls and boys in Primary, all 11 years of age. I don't know how she does it. She is also an activity day leader for the same girls in her class. She really enjoys being with those kids and teaching them.