Friday, July 31, 2009
Fun with Amber
This week is going by way to fast. My sister will be leaving me on Sat. and I have enjoyed her company, friendship, and all her help around my house and with the girls. Thanks Amber!
We have gone shopping, played at the pool, played at the park, 

and even went to the Jelly Belly Factory. It was Yummy!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
First Day of Soccer Practices
Today the girls had their 1st practice for soccer. They have had practices for a week now, but since we were gone they officially started today. Autumn did really well the first 30 min.
after that well...
she got a little tuckered out.
Then Ashlyn had her practice too and did very well. She hasn't played in a couple of years, but looked good out there. She seems to remember a lot of the game.

After practice the girls must of had some energy left, because the rolled and wrestled down the hill several times.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
First Day of School
My Autumn started Kindergarten today.
She is really excited to make new friends and learn how to read. I took her to class this morning and it was fun to see her so excited. She ran right over to her desk.
I think she will love it, but it may take some time getting used to being there 4 hours and going everyday.
Ashlyn started 3rd grade today.
She too was excited to get there this morning in fact she was up at 5:45. I hope this kind of enthusiasm about 3rd grade will stay with her. I hope they both have the best first day of school.
Ashlyn started 3rd grade today.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Sneak Peek
At 2pm today we had a sneak peek at the girls classrooms and a chance to meet the teachers they will have this year. This is the first sneak peek that we have ever gone to and it was great.
Autumn is going to be a big Kindergartner. It was great for her to see what classroom she has, what it looked like, and where her desk was. We meet her teacher and we think she is very nice. Autumn told me she loves her new class and new teacher. I hope she feels the same way tomorrow or even a few weeks from now.
Ashlyn is a big 3rd grader and was super excited to see her classroom. She already knows her teacher from the previous year. She couldn't wait to see who was in her class this year and what she would be doing in the coming year. She told me she is all ready for school to start.
Autumn is going to be a big Kindergartner. It was great for her to see what classroom she has, what it looked like, and where her desk was. We meet her teacher and we think she is very nice. Autumn told me she loves her new class and new teacher. I hope she feels the same way tomorrow or even a few weeks from now.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Saying Goodbye
This week has gone by really fast and we have had a good time with family. In fact my sister Amber arrived from collage today at 2pm.(She will actually be coming home with us and be staying at our house for a week) The girls enjoyed their last day at their grandparents swimming(of course), hanging out, watching movies, and playing with Amber, her friends and Aaron. 

This week along with all the other fun stuff we have done we also shopped for school with grandma, went to the free movie at the Regal, and the girls got to enjoy their last days of summer before school starts.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Oh What Fun Were Having
Tonight my cousin and his wife stopped by for a BBQ. We all went to the park to let my girls get their wiggles out(on Monday night we went to the same park). 

It was so nice outside and I was able to talk to my cousin and his wife without the girls getting bored. We saw a beautiful sunset where I took my parents picture(I think we will be taking family pictures here).
As the sun continued to set we saw a ton of bunnies running around the playground.
The girls had a good time chasing them too.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Chuck E. Cheese and Office Fun
My Mom took the my girls over to Chuck E. Cheeses to play. My brother was also was able to come. We each were in charge of one girl, which made it much easier to keep track of them. We helped them keep track of their tickets and help them win tickets too. They were able to get some fun stuff. After our fun time we headed to my parents office. 

This week we were there a few times and the girls had just as good as a time there as they did any where my mom took them. They loved to play office, draw pictures, shred papers, and in turn kept us all entertained.

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