Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day!

At school on Monday Ashlyn's teacher talked about the elections. They held an election at school for 4th and 5th grade class presidents. They apparently voted on who they thought would be the next President of the United States too. When I asked who she voted for in the class elections she said "I don't know, but I voted for Barack Obama." All I could say was "Ashlyn!!?" Well I guess she was right. It is official Barack Obama is our new President.
Oh well, at least we know that Ashlyn and her sisters are more passionate about Prop 8. On the way to the polling location they were chanting Yes on 8! And we walked there, because it was at the club house in our sub-division. Outside the doors of the polling room I could hear the girls once again chanting Yes on 8! They even asked a few people getting ready to cast their votes if they were going to vote Yes on 8. They didn't get any responses, but great Big smiles. Thank heaven for my little girls.

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