Sunday, November 30, 2008
Monkey Girl
So my brother was walking Aubrey around my parents yard, when I came out side saw this...

I said "Did you learn something from the monkeys at the zoo? She said "Yes!" Then I replied "You silly little monkey girl!" Aubrey excitedly said "Monkey, Monkey, Monkey!"
Aubrey's Birthday Party!
With all my family in toe we set out to have some birthday fun at Chuck E. Cheeses. Only one problem, the birthday girl was fast asleep. But it did not take long for her to wake up once she heard the laughter from all the other children.
There were 8 adults including Noah and I, along with our 3 girls. It made the experience much more enjoyable for us. Together we had over 100 tokens to play with. The girls had a great time running with their aunts, uncle, or grandparents from game to game. The adults had a great time too. After an hour or so of playing the girls counted their tickets with the ticket muncher. They had about 1,000 tickets and were able to buy themselves each a cool prize.

We then headed to one of our favorite pizza places Oggi's. They make some of the best pizza in the area. It is located in the mall so the girls were able to visit the pet store across the way and play on the indoor playground. 

The birthday girl Aubrey had a blast too. We ended Aubrey's birthday with the birthday song, cupcakes, and presents. She received a princess blanket that her grandma made for her, clothes, little people scooter, and color wonder books, markers, and paints.

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Aubrey's 2nd Birthday!
Today my little Aubrey turned 2 years old. Oh, how time flies!
She is such a big girl. She talks well for her age, is very independent, wants to do everything her sisters are doing, and is fully potty trained(yeah!). She is always making us laugh by the things she does or says. She is very creative and loving. She is truly a blessing in our family. 

Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Fun With Grandma and Grandpa
The girls are having a blast with their Grandma and Grandpa Martinez. They love being with them and playing with them. Grandma and Grandpa have taken them out to eat lunch and dinner, taken them to see Madagascar 2 and Bolt, have watched movies at home with them, read stories with them and worked on putting Disney poster size puzzles together. The girls truly enjoyed themselves the last couple of days(plus Noah and I get a break and some alone time). Thanks Mom and Dad!
Monday, November 24, 2008
The San Diego Zoo
Noah and I took the girls and my brother Aaron to the San Diego Zoo. 
When we got there we ate some lunch. There was a peacock that wanted to eat some lunch too. The girls had a great time chasing it around the picnic area.
When we were done eating we took the bus tour of the zoo. The kids had a fun time riding the upper deck of the bus. 
At the end of the 40min. tour the girls were playing musical seats all sitting with Noah or Uncle Aaron. 
The rest of the time was spent seeing the animals that we missed on the tour or ones that we wanted to see up close. Here are some of our favorite animals we saw.

The last place we went to was the kids area. The girls had a blast running around and playing. They petted the goats and enjoyed the other animals at their level. We had a great time at the Zoo.

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Visiting Great Grandma Kyle
On our way down to San Diego we stopped in Bakersfield to visit Great Grandma Kyle. We really made her day and the girls were so excited to see and visit with her. The girls gave her pictures and letters that they had wrote and drew for her.
After our visit we stopped by Aunt Nancy and Uncle Craig's home for a short visit. Noah and I talked with Nancy while Craig kept our girls busy and gave them ice cream. We said our goodbyes and we were on the rode again. We arrived at Grandma and Grandpa Martinez's home later that evening ready for our fun filled Thanksgiving week with family.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Celebrating Aubrey's 2nd Birthday a Week Early
We had a very busy day today. We packed for our trip that we are taking to San Diego in the morning, shopped for Aubrey's birthday and for our trip, and watched the BYU vs. Utah game with family and friends(which BYU lost). In the evening Aubrey opened up her presents from her Grandma Smith. She received a Weebles Weegoaway Camper with flushing toilet and a Little People Nativity Set. We sang Happy Birthday and ate our homemade version of Cherry Garcia Ice Cream. From the picture it's hard to tell who's birthday it really is.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Autumn's Thanksgiving Program
At 10:45 today Noah, Aubrey, and I went to Autumn's preschool to watch her perform in her Thanksgiving Program. They walked out into the room all dressed up in their Thanksgiving Indian costumes adorned with a feathered hat and pasta necklace.
Then they formed two lines. One by one each child said one or two things that they were thankful for. 
When it was Autumn's turn Miss Becky said "Ok Autumn, say it all!" Then she said "I am Thankful for my mom to take me to the park, my cousins so that I can play, that we can have a lot of fun, for my mom that she can spend a lot of time with me and take care of my puppy, and that my puppy can have a lot of fun with me." Then Miss Becky asked "Is that all?" She thought for a minute and shook her head, Yes. Everyone laughed. She is not shy that's for sure.
After that they sang 5 short songs/poems about Thanksgiving. Her favorite song is "I'm glad I'm not a Turkey!" Then we ate "Stone Soup" that the kids made yesterday and other yummy foods. We had a great time. Here are the songs/poems she sang. Enjoy!
Here Turkey, Turkey
(sung to I had a little turtle)
I saw a little turkey standing by a tree
it wobbled and it gobbled
then ran away from me!
Oh turkey, turkey, turkey
Please come out and play!
I promise I won't eat you
On Thanksgiving Day!
Oh, I’m glad I’m not a turkey
(sung to Did you ever see a Lassie?)
Oh,I'm glad I'm not a turkey
A turkey, a turkey
Oh, I’m glad I’m not a turkey
On Thanksgiving Day
They’ll stuff you and baste you
And then they will taste you.
Oh, I’m glad I’m not a turkey
On Thanksgiving Day
Gobble Gobble Gobble
Who said that?
Big old turkey round and fat
Gobble Gobble Gobble
What did he say?
Eat me on Thanksgiving Day!
Albuquerque Turkey
(Sung to Clementine)
Albuquerque he’s my turkey
Oh he’s feathered and he’s fine
He wobbles and he gobbles
And I’m awfully glad he’s mine.
He’s the best pet
You could ever get.
Better than a dog or cat.
Albuquerque he’s my turkey
And I’m awfully glad of that.
Albuquerque he’s my turkey
He’s so cozy in his bed
Because for Thanksgiving dinner
We had scrambled eggs instead.
Gobble, Gobble
A turkey is a funny bird,
His head goes wobble, wobble.
And he knows One word,
Gobble, gobble, gobble.
A turkey is a funny bird,
His head goes wobble, wobble.
And he knows One word,
Gobble, gobble, gobble.
Here Turkey, Turkey
(sung to I had a little turtle)
I saw a little turkey standing by a tree
it wobbled and it gobbled
then ran away from me!
Oh turkey, turkey, turkey
Please come out and play!
I promise I won't eat you
On Thanksgiving Day!
Oh, I’m glad I’m not a turkey
(sung to Did you ever see a Lassie?)
Oh,I'm glad I'm not a turkey
A turkey, a turkey
Oh, I’m glad I’m not a turkey
On Thanksgiving Day
They’ll stuff you and baste you
And then they will taste you.
Oh, I’m glad I’m not a turkey
On Thanksgiving Day
Gobble Gobble Gobble
Who said that?
Big old turkey round and fat
Gobble Gobble Gobble
What did he say?
Eat me on Thanksgiving Day!
Albuquerque Turkey
(Sung to Clementine)
Albuquerque he’s my turkey
Oh he’s feathered and he’s fine
He wobbles and he gobbles
And I’m awfully glad he’s mine.
He’s the best pet
You could ever get.
Better than a dog or cat.
Albuquerque he’s my turkey
And I’m awfully glad of that.
Albuquerque he’s my turkey
He’s so cozy in his bed
Because for Thanksgiving dinner
We had scrambled eggs instead.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Meeting Kelsie
Early Tuesday morning we received a much anticipated phone call from my brother-in-law Kurt informing us that Noah's little sister Rachel had delivered their daughter Kelsie Jade Keyser. We were all really excited especially my girls. We thought we could go to the hospital that evening to visit them, but soon learned that the girls would be unable to go in. We decided we would go today when they got home from the hospital. So after Ashlyn got home from school we made them some dinner and carmel brownies. Then we meet Noah at his office and drove down to his little sisters home to meet Kelsie. The girls were really excited to see her and hold her. They also enjoyed playing with Logan. They love their new cousin and so do we. Kelsie is perfect, precious and beautiful. 

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